Monday, July 13, 2020

Technology Student Woodwork Joints

technology student woodwork joints

The joint is strong especially when used with a good quality glue such as pva (woodworkers adhesive) or cascamite. if the joint is cut accurately the ‘fingers should fit together without any gaps and the glue ensures that they are virtually indestructible. they are used for a wide range of products including jewellery boxes, cabinet. This site provides a wealth of technology information sheets for pupils and teachers is possible to use only a pencil but a marking knife is more precise and it has the advantage of cutting the wood fibres. this means when a saw is used to cut the joint the surface of the wood is less likely to split. 3.. Dt: pupils can revise or learn about wood joints including; butt, mitre, halving, mortise & tenon, dowel, lap, housing and finger joints. pupils can then try the ‘quiz time’ questions to test their joint knowledge..


Tools and equipment - answers

wood joints technology

Wood joints technology

technology student woodwork joints
Students produce a paper towel holder or cup tree using a 'half lap' joint. this project helps to prepare students for year 10 wood technology. download a copy of the half lap task. Joinery is a part of woodworking that involves joining together pieces of wood or lumber, to produce more complex items. some wood joints employ fasteners, bindings, or adhesives, while others use only wood elements. the characteristics of wooden joints - strength, flexibility, toughness, appearance, etc. - derive from the properties of the materials involved and the purpose of the joint..

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